How to Find Vehicle Owner Details ?

Visit the official website of VAHAN and follow the step-by-step process mentioned below to find vehicle registration details online:

  1. Click on “Know your vehicle details” from the menu bar.
  2. In the next page, furnish the registration number of your vehicle, enter the verification code as shown there, and click on “Search Vehicle”. 

Thats it! But what are the details you can find there? You can see all the details related to your motor vehicle as registered with your RTO.

You can find the following details in the VAHAN website upon entering your vehicle’s registration number:

  • Registration date
  • Chassis number (not mentioned in full)
  • Engine number (not mentioned in full)
  • Owner’s name
  • Vehicle class
  • Fuel type
  • Model and manufacturer details
  • Vehicular fitness duration
  • PUC or Pollution Under Control Certificate number
  • Motor Vehicle (MV) Tax validity
  • Details of motor vehicle insurance
  • Emission standards of the vehicle (Bharat Stage emission norms)
  • Registration Certificate Status
  • Name of the financier

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